Thursday, July 17, 2008

Health Benefits of Coffee – Part 1

A great number of people could never imagine not having that steaming cup of coffee to start their day. The delightful aroma, the taste, the invigorating caffeine lift and pleasure of sharing the experience with someone dear; makes coffee among the world's most loved beverages. And to make coffee more tempting, science experts have discovered a whole lot of health benefits of drinking coffee.

Coffee and Hydration—Myth Debunked

In the past, many exercise and health experts have not been promoting coffee in belief that coffee, together with other caffeinated drinks, causes dehydration and does not add up as source of daily fluid intake in the diet. The truth behind this myth is that the mild diuretic effect that coffee has results to increased frequency in urination but does not actually contribute to the further bodily fluid loss. In fact, coffee even counts among the average amount of liquid needed by our body to maintain balance in body fluids. According to Professor Lawrence Armstrong, “Caffeinated fluids contribute to the daily human water requirement in a manner that is similar to pure water”.

Antioxidants in Coffee

For the past years, coffee has been viewed as just a worldly indulgence that can only cause dangers to health. One of the greatest mistakes was focusing studies on the main and more popular substance of coffee-which is caffeine. A recent scientific discovery proved the significant presence of antioxidants in coffee beans. These compounds have long since been known to help prevent the chances of acquiring cancer and heart disease, two of the world's dreaded and largest killers.

Coffee Helps Relieve Headaches

The everyday stresses in each individual's life has been conjuring many problems, specially in health. One of the most common among complaints are headaches. One good news is that a new study reveals that a cup of coffee may help alleviate the pain. When pain killers are taken, caffeine increases the medication's effect by improving their absorption. Vascular headaches are often caused by dilation of the blood vessels and one substance to constrict them, aiding to counter the pain in the head is caffeine.

Coffee at Work

Since people are naturally not nocturnal, chances of impaired performance that increases human error during night shifts is higher. Most of those that work on graveyard shift are at their lowest point in terms of energy. Alertness is one very important factor specially for those who are expected to give critical decisions on such short notice. This is where coffee helps. Coffee heightens the senses and increases concentration by perking up sleepy heads. Two huge cups of coffee can significantly help maintain greater performance levels for up to five to seven hours.


bevs said...

Wow! I'm one of those coffee addicts, I wouldn't missed a day with out a cup of coffee..ehehe Very informative post..thanks for the info..Is it true that coffee can cause slower digestion?

Aweng Moral - Basco said...

No, compounds found in coffee beans actually hastens the process of digestion, thus, aiding in the prevention of colon cancer. :)